mommy is in hospital again. they are talking chemotherapy so we don't know. we are all just depending on God in all this. i realize her condition has affected me so much that i've been blinded to the real war. my senga called me today. her voicemail (with caps on the stressed parts) is here, i am saving this for the laughs
voice mail 1.
gwe kimutets'! madam menga! you will stop letting people dictate your lifestyle! soko it's like since you came to blogger things have become oba high school. anyway, just had to call before i forget and let you know that a one mr. joshi semambolicious donaldolicious ASKED ME to TELL YOU to get that kabina back on the BROGOSFIYA in a rush! stop leaving people high and dry, if you tell people you can provide a menga, you need to provide a menga before pulling a missing in action! these are not bush days neither are you alice lakwena! oh he also said... mama! i can hear the kettle, please count me in the hot chocolate! (ssenga's mother: sawa sawa!) thanks! okay madam menga where was i. oh he said also that... haya what was the other thing he said. there was another thing! wait i'll remember and i'll call you back.
voicemail 2. (fifteen min later)
hi muwala, i remembered. he said, you owe him an entry. so get the typing. (ssenga's mama: msichana! your water is ready!) okay! thanks! coming! also, the gu fella we met at the wedding, the one whose shoes looked like they were too tight with the bu knuckels for the toes protruding, what was his name? he said to tell you he has a little something for you, and mbu give him a call. hahaha! i wanted to ask kwani what happened to his fingers. he's fresh, brought me some funky looking chocolates naye they tasted like sufuria metal. but he's cool people. kale kimutets on the real, this is what's up eh, you know me and giving my opinion on everything. my take on the blog issue, i don't believe i'm leaving voicemail about a blog of all things. all i'm going to ask you to think about is the description of your blog, remember where you say peace is something that every man must strive to achieve? that and your claim that without Christ, you are nothing. think about those things. i love you much! call me! or beep hahaha i'll call you back. oh, and ps, the whole blogger issue doesn't matter to me. i know with your mom and k and school and your cousin's accident, you're going through a lot that can't be seen on blogger. God is still God, He is no less God than he was when you decided to tell people you're a virgin, or when you got mad at JKB. He is still the same. you can do nothing so good as to make him love you more, or so bad as to make him love you less, because he loves you perfectly and remember his word says perfect love casts out all fear. so do not fear anything, dont worry about your reputation, let him mould your character and let that speak.peace, be still- there is a lesson in all this. and maybe the lesson is for you to be still and know that he is God. am praying for you! and o wow, i don't know if i prayed before joining blogger but i keep thinking maybe i should have.these internet things!hmm,i need to seek God about leaving.if you come back,don't do it without praying.don't even bother about retaliating on nasty comments made by people who are using you to vent their anger with life.always let ur speech be with grace.and your writing's not your fault they are so bitter.some of that anger has been welling up for ages and your blog just triggered it.pursue peace with all.and don't worry! erriting gwann be aite! okay before the c.i.a cuts me off...omanyi elections just ended, they might wonder which breed of terrorist is this leaving a message for three hours. love you muah muah muah muah!!!!!!!!!!!!! ciao
hows that for sense and sensibility! i still havent called her, i'm afraid to.
joshi, thank you for everything. the two messages made me smile all day even though i had a coconut in my throat for being about to cry. you held my tears back, thanks. wait, i took a photo, almost forgot to upload it here.

kale not smiling exactly but at least i dont look like a hot mess. thank you! (: and ya i really do love hoop earings.
YAY!!!!!Keits is back!!wat can i say yipeeyayokayay!!u see i am not as if happy but i am ecstatic!!but u still havent given me my menga..haha..on the real chica,i know how u feel when ur mum is going for chemo...exactly how u feel!Just take heart and know that God is in control,worked me..i know it will work for you..
Your are burning up and that's a fact.
Damn you are hot!
don't go away so fast this time!!!
lol. nga you can be shady...
1.welcome back... ditto iwaya.
2.i am never leaving voicemail on that phone AGAIN.
3.God is in control... always...ditto Joshi.
did i mention i absolutely adore arial narrow as a font????
I'll say it, but just once... WOW! is done.
Crazy!! gat the sorry if this isn`t the right way to comment be i have to give praise where it so deserves to be....
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